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A question involving static friction?

Q: A crane is lifting 2 boxes of nails to a roof of a buildingOne box is half empty, the other is fullThe boxes weigh 10kg and 20 kgThe coefficient of static friction for the boxes is 0.4As the crane lifts the platform the boxes are on, the platform tilts because of the uneven weightAt what angle will the 10kg box slide?I know that the box will begin to slide when the x component of gravitational force surpasses the limiting force of static friction the box hasShould I set the net force (along the parallel to the platform) to 1 N, since that will be the force when it begins to slide?Thanks


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Hello why should the force be 1 N when it begins to slideWhen it begins to slide is the gravforce fric.force, nothing moreYou do not know what the forces are, because you do not know the anglethe gravitational force is mgsin(x) the friction force μmgcos(x) set both equal mgsin(x) μmgcos(x) sin(x) μcos(x) sin(x) 0.4cos(x) solution for x : 21.80° Regards

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