You all know about what adrenaline rush can make right? Make people lift car, throw people 10 yards away, slap a bear to death(LOL), What I‘m asking is that, is their a way to make a gene(Genetic Modification), that allows a person to trigger an adrenaline rush at will?I need top doctors in this field. Maybe done by some classified military project, but any way this might be available to the general public ? I know its triggered by fear and extreme stress but I need a way to isolate these factors and trigger just the power that cause you to have an adrenaline rush.
No. It wouldn't be good for your body at all, to keep having adrenaline (epinephrine) rushes. It's a temporary response for a reason. There's a lot more behind it than you think. Some theorize that we normally use only a small percentage of our muscles' capabilities. When we are confronted with danger, we transcend the limitations of our muscles and simply act. The rush of adrenaline, which accounts for a sudden increase in strength, helps to facilitate a person lifting a car. In other words, when confronted with extreme stress, we involuntarily use our muscles beyond the limitations of their normal voluntary use. But why is it better to just have these involuntary short bursts of energy? Turning potential muscle strength into actual muscle strength takes deliberate training. Muscles strengthen over time through use, as in lifting weights. While our muscles may possess potential strength that can be tapped when faced with danger, this can also have dangerous repercussions. Muscles suddenly used beyond their capacity can tear, and joints can be pulled out of their sockets. The physical state of agitation, too, can cause lasting negative effects beyond immediate injury. Mmm, the websites below put it across better, so that's why I used them. Hope this helps. :))
Yes, it is called practice and training. If you have an adrenalin rush, that doesn't mean you can do things you couldn't do otherwise - you usually just don't have the motivation. However, while somebody completely untrained can't lift a car, somebody trained certainly can do so at will. Just do weight training, speed training, whatever. Or hire somebody to point a gun at you.
1. You can get an adrenaline rush by putting yourself into the fear and stress mental state. Not recommended, by the way. 2. You can get an adrenaline rush by having an injection of epinephrine (aka adrenaline).