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A way to recover a natural fiber rug that got soaking wet?

Kids took natural fiber rug outside while cleaning hardwood floors. Boom - Super thunderstorm. Next day rug is soaked, its not looking good at all. is there anything I can do to recover it? After a day or two in the sun trying to dry it out one spot near edge is beginning to grow mold. Can I save it?


Absorbent Pads, lots of air flow, and a little Lysol spray on moldy areas, great homemade mold killer,2 teaspoons tea tree oil 2 cups water. Combine in a spray bottle, shake to blend, and spray on problem areas.Do not rinse.
See if you can clean on both sides, get rid if the mold and hang it over a clothes line. You might need several clothes poles to support the weight, then pray for some dry weather until it is dry.
thoroughly mix one part liquid chlorine bleach with six parts water in a spray mist bottle. Test the mixture by spraying a little in a corner of the rug (not on the binding). If bleaching occurs, dilute the solution and re-test until it is safe to use. Mist the solution lightly on the moldy area, using a soft brush to work it down into the weave to reach all the mold growth. After five or ten minutes rub the area with a clean, dry cloth. Repeat if necessary. When you are finished, be certain that the rug dries thoroughly within five or six hours, using a hair dryer on the damp spot if required.

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