A 20kw,200V shunt generator is operated at rated load. if the driving engine is developing 30bhp (break horse power), determine the iron and friction losses.Answer is IFL=1039W. Thanks a lot.
brake horse power of an engine is the actual amount of horse power an engine can put out. Using 745.5 watts as a horse power, the engine will supply the equivalent of 30 times 745.7 watts at 30 brake horse power. This is 22,371watts. The generator is supplying 20 Kw or 20,000 watts. The difference in the engine output and the generator output is 22,371 minus 20,000 or 2.371 watts. I don't see how the answer is 1039 watts, if my calculations are correct. Perhaps someone else will have the answer you seek. I may be missing something in your question.