My old laptop isnt receiving power from the power source because a pin was broke, but it can still work if i find a compatible laptop to charge the battery, as it is i cant find one, so i got a new laptop and got a usb case to place the old hard drive in. I have it connected to my new laptop which runs on stupid xp home, my old hdd runs on xp proI know my user name and password for the old hdd, but i can not gain access to my files other than windows and program filesis there a way to access my folders without having to go use someone elses pc or laptop that has xp pro?that seems to be the easiest way for me to gain access when i change access options, but i want to be able to continue to use my hard drive with my current laptop and i dont want to change my operating system yet.any ideas?
Here's an idea: Why not just open the window so no one sees the crack and you get away with it? If this was February in New York and you were worried about being cold or snow getting in the car, then this idea would not work. But it's Florida, in June and July. I don't think the car will get too cold.
yes it is destroyed by battle and yes the effect activates but only if the effect says to activate if it is destroyed by battle ex: when this card is destroyed, you can special summon from your hand. sangan and witch of the black forest's effects are activated think about it, if i were to stab you while you have a shield that is still a battle, and if my blade kills you you were destroyed by battle so as long as it is an attack it is a battle if they were face down and DESTROYED BY BATTLE FROM AN ATTACK their effect activates as long as the effect says when this card is destroyed
to protect their hands, they handle more balls (lol) then any of the other fielders and need to stop the ball which is travelling at a fast rate