Would I just be able to clean it out with a non flammable cleaning substance, and let it air out for like a week?
just keep cleaning it and you should be okay. maybe see the family doc for antibiotics if you notice any signs of infection.
Um yea I wouldn't have done that myself. But I would go see a doctor. but make sure you celan it or something so it doesn't get infected. Then when it heals get it repeirced by a profeshional
When did we vote on straight marriage? People don't vote on the Constitutional rights of other people.. never ever should a majority be voting on the rights of a minority.. the founding fathers were very much against this. That would be like letting people vote on slavery during the Civil War. The Constitution guarantees certain right and among those is equal protection under the law.. not subject to a now non-existent whim of a majority.
Goth people listen to Dead Can Dance, not a goth band and Cocteau Twins, not a goth band. What beliefs do you have that make you goth any how? Being goth isn't about being goth, its about being hard core in what ever you areso admitting you goth is about the stupidest thing you can do.don't admit it, just do it.
I just recently had my monroe done (piercing in the top lip), and I used to have my bottom lip pierced, which I had done myself. Never EVER, again will I pierce myself. The bubble on your lip is normal, it is just swelling, I even have it now with my top lip being professionally pierced. The bubble is only there because of where the needle exited in your lip, pushing out the skin. Don't worry, you are not going to die. Just brush and rinse out your mouth a lot, a nice salt water rinse is good. Just take a teaspoon of salt to a warm glass of water, gargle, swish around, and spit. Don't pick at where it will scab, cause sadly, like most facial piercings, they tend to leave a scar, some noticeable. In the future, go to a professional piercer. They use a clamp, gloves, make you clean out your mouth, and they know what size gauge to pierce you with, so it can accomadate the jewelry commonly used.