I am interested in getting more fiber in my diet, besides looking for cereals, etc that have high fiber content what other ways can i do this? Do the pills or powders work effecticely as the real thing? What is a certain milligrams number i should be looking for on nutrition labels that would give me a good enough boost?
die grinder with a 3 inch blade1/16 or less width
Maybe a Roto Zip tool will work.
you can use your saw with a normal blade just turn the blade backwards it will be noisy and throw alot of chips but it will work just be safe and it will leave sharp edges
We use FiberSure, and it's really eating - you get I think 8 grams of Fiber with each serving? It's easy to put into water, in sauces, cookies, etcAnything If you're looking for fiber, it will be in gramsYour aim is 25 grams a day, so whatever you can to get there.