Does anybody know what do air conditioners consist of - I mean - iron, copper, freon, etc.?
if yours is not a joke question,.you have to know, that, there are many dangerous bacteria, living in soil and on those little rocks. ones that can and will harm YOU. !!! so, be smart, and only eat human food.
They are perlite not harmful but not exactly popcorn either. Lots of people get weird cravings though. Usually because they are lacking in a certain vitamin or mineral. Try taking a one a day type multivitamin. This may get rid of or reduce the cravings if they bother you. If not then bon appetite.
All of those things. An air conditioner has a compressor which is a pump, (steel, iron, plastic, aluminum, copper) a motor to drive it (steel, iron, aluminum, copper, other alloys), copper or aluminum tubing to carry freon, coils to condense and evaporate the freon (aluminum or copper), steel sheet metal, plastic housings and knobs, etc. You'd have to get a BOM (bill of materials) to really cover everything.