I dont wanna spend crazy money, all I want for my 97 civic car to do is to have a deep, low sound wether it comes from the front of my car or rear; I don't care. Don't want it to be crazy loud either
Not every planet has magnetic poles. Whether it will or will not, depends on the planet's composition.
Mars has several magnetic poles. What it lacks is a strong planet wide magnetic field. You have lots of little magnetic poles. I mean lots of them.
Deep low sound? Try american.I hear these rice burners and they sound like a heard of bees with a buzz problem
exhaust. with an air intake you may get a light woosh, but with a good exhaust system you'll get the steady rumble that tells people you are there. and don't get aluminum or a cheap one. get stainless. the others sound like someone used a coke can for a muffler.