I had recently purchased and installed a short ram air intake in an ‘06 Elantra. The ad and people from forums i have read stated getting a little more horsepower and the slightest increase in gas mileage. At 75 mph (in cruise control), i drove on a highway for about 15 miles (not curvy or hilly).the Elantra burned 2 gallons of gas.another test was at 105 mph.and i burned a little over 2 gallons.i‘m confused as to how this is possible.and why at such a low speed the gas was used so quickly.
My truck gets a lil' worse then that but thats because its a 1984 Chevy with a big block if your getting close to my gas millage you need to take that new of a car to the junk yard but I would say that the intake is probably the problem. Check for leaks if there is one I would try putting new gaskets with high temp sylicone if the problem keeps occuring take it to get a tune up also have the sencors checked make sure you reinstaled everything correctly and all of the proper sencors are in there orginal locations.
Depending on where abouts you have put it depends on whats goin on.IF it is NOT sucking COOL air in from the outside and you DONT have a HEAT shield to sheild it from the engine heat then this could be why you are getting **** fuel mileage.Its sucking more hot air than cool resulting in loss of power and burns more fuelIF you had the filter sucking cool air ONLY from th OUTSIDE it wouldve worked fine.Try that idea
More air means more gas. But you cant expect to get good milage in anything at the speeds you are talking about. Cars are most efficent on gas from 50-55 mph. at 75 you are burning a lot more gas than what you car is rated, at 105 you are burning up alot of gas. The higher the rpms go the more gas you burn, at 105 in a elantra the revs would be very high at 105. actually going 50-60 mph will give you the best fuel economy, but you also must consider that if you take off fast.there goes alot more gas. If you consider fuel consuption a issue, then dont even bother modding your car, cause the more mods you do.the more gas you lose.