Okay here's the scoop. My wife recently talked me into purchasing a 8 by 10 $600 throw rug for our living room. She said it would look nice when guests come over and it does. The carpet has a lot of light colors in it as well as some dark and here is where the problem is... I want to roll up the carpet so it's against the wall when its just regular everyday traffic and roll it out only when we have guests. My thinking is there's less chance of it getting spoiled andd it would extend the life of the carpet My wife thinks I'm crazy!!!!!!!!!!!$
Yes, you are being overprotective but its understandable. You don't want the rug to get spoiled and the best way to ensure that is to use it minimally. BUT. Its your home. And if you buy something to make your home look better, you're doing that so YOU can live in a better, prettier home :) the rug isn't there for your guests to appreciate it, it's there for you to appreciate it :) so maybe you should just leave it there and not roll it up and put it away'