I need to think of 3 to 5 objects that represent a character in Animal Farm for example Boxer but I'm having trouble thinking of what i could use can someone help please?
No blow in insulation includes asbestos, what you have is named rock woolThe asbestos insulation that reasons problems is a skinny blanket or paper product that became into used to wrap plumbing pipes.
Do you mean something like 'Snowball is like a candle because he's the hopeful leader that tries to lead the animals to a better life'? Think of the animals' characteristics and who they parallel in real life, like the farmer was Czar Nicholas IIBoxer the carthorse represented the workforce of RussiaIn reality, they were sent to Siberia to workThat was paralleled in the story by Boxer being sent off on the glue truck So think of who they represent and their characteristics, then find an item that does the same thingFor Boxer, it might be a crane or a car jack, because he works hardGood luck :)