Looking for ideas for a formal outdoor fire pit and patio. Years ago my husband and I built a 25‘ x 25‘ stone patio with a sunken firepit in the middle (back yard). We loved that thing. We‘ve now been in our new house for 8 years, and I want to build another one, approximately the same size - only thing different, is that we want the ‘pit‘ to be above ground this time.Would like ideas on types of stone, layout, seating, landscaping around the area etc. You guys are great. Thanks.
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I have two fire settings in my backyard, with a plan to add a brick BBQ one this summer. The one consists of a metal chiminea that I got for $50 from a lady that paid over $500 for it originally. We have that one on the top ridge. The other one is made of simple stones, recovered from the yard and creek and formed in a circle down near the creek. Our plan for the new one is a brick BBQ and fireplace like I had up north at my other home. Basically, it was a fireplace that had a chimney in the back of it and a fireplace in the front. To change it to a grill, all you had to do was lay a grill top over the fireplace portion. So my plan is to build one like that. We used that one so much, and I really miss it, it also extended the season for us, by allowing us to cuddle up to the fire and many a time I would grill, then turn it over to a fire by simply adding a log to the coals. It had a large surface on either side, so you could lay a tray of veggies or burgers/steaks or hot cocoa. It sat side ways in the corner of the cement patio. Hope this helps you!
There are so many incredible options regarding materials these days that a blanket recommendation doesn't spring to mind. Some of the beginning questions would be: Are you planning DIY or will you hire out? Have you considered materials based on what else already exists in you yard and what materilas your home is made of? Local materials, ie types of stone exist in your area? Shape and texture - do you want all one material or are you looking for a mix? Dry stacking and laying in sand or will you set in concrete? What zone are you located in? Will you have to plan on dealing with the freeze/thaw cycle? Plant/landscaping options vary widely based on climate as do local codes for this sort of thing as well as guidelines based on climate. As a general thought I'm partial to stone with a copper pit that is removeable - I like the flexibility to change pit depth and size - plus I'm just partial to the look of weathered copper.