Going to buy another vital generator have 2 deals on the table . gas generac 8000 running watt $1350. new or 5000 watt kipon desiel used about 4 years $800. needs new battery. what would you pick and why? thanks
The diesel is a little bit better buy. What about service on the unit? Who will do that? The difference in the 5 vs 8 kw is not a consideration. The gas units are over rated, the diesel produces more power for the rating. If you can do the service on the diesel go for it.
Go with the new gas generac, just make sure you run it loaded monthly and change the gas annually.
what are your requirements on wattage ? if its less than 5,000 go for the Diesel if more then the gas one depends also on where your located, if in a really cold climate then go with the gas if in a warmer one go with the Diesel
Diesel Issues: Regular oil changes - about 2:1 to a gas-fired generator. Diesel fuel is may gel in very cold weather - you may have to use a kerosene mix. Diesel fuel has a shelf-life such that you will have to add fuel stabilizers and run out the fuel at least three times per year (more in a humid climate) to prevent breakdown. You will have to change the fuel filter at least once per year. If you run out of diesel and cannot get to it - you are out of luck. Which leads to liquid fuel storage issues, shelf-life and so forth. Diesel fuel is a bit over twice the cost of natural gas as a fuel in this situation. Go with the natural gas unit. It is new, has a warranty and you _know_ that it will have no hidden flaws. Now, if by Gas you mean gasoline - go with the diesel unless you are in a very cold climate. Hands down.