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anyone with experience with alarm systems, etc..?

We have the Superwatch Pro ADT alarm system. Everytime you open a door or window it goes ding ding dingon one of the windows there are two little sensors that if you slide the window too open it will ding. one of these sensors has a wire connected to it from the wall.my question is, what would happen if you cut this wire? will effect the whole system or just that window?thank you so much in advance.


There already is safe real fighting, it's called Mixed Martial Arts.
i would suggest organized martial arts like taekwondo or judo or something similar, but you just want to hurt people and martial arts is a way of life and self defense. either join a dojo and realize that yourself or street fight people and get ur *** kicked
It's all relative. If you cannot feel pain then you lose the realism. If you feel pain, that comes from injuries which are, by definition, unsafe. This is another reason kata were developed. The ability to strike full force with no one getting hurt. Don't tell that to some of the people here though, they don't understand kata.
Cut the piping and glue on any type of adapters that you need to fit the new faucets. A smart idea would be to install a valve to the piping. Then continue to the faucet. This way you can change things without shutting down the entire house.
The pain occurs from injury. If you want to experience real fighting without protective measures, it will not be safe. You don't get a choice from that. If you want minimal protective gear: Wear padded gloves. This will help prevent broken hands and bones, although it is no garuntee. Wear a cup. Trust me. Wear a mouthguard, and keep your mouth shut. It'll keep your jaw from breaking, and your teeth from getting knocked out. If someone taps, or has enough, they've had enough. If they're swaying, they've had enough.

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