will it add more speed and torque? lxi is a little bit underpowered. will it make a difference whenever i go uphill? what side effects or problems to the engine would it cause upon use?
Different intakes are good for different things. Cold air intakes usually have a long intake tube that extends into the wheel well to get cooler, denser air. These intakes usually give more high end horsepower, but little or no gains in low end torque due to the long intake tube. You must be very careful with these intakes because the air filter is usually low enough to suck up water if you go through a deep puddle. For this reason I would personally never use a cold air intake on a car that is ever driven in the rain. Most people say that you will be fine, but for me the risk of destroying an engine is now worth the 5 hp you will get out of the intake. Short ram intakes use a much shorter intake tube and the air filter is usually in the engine bay. This gives you pretty good low end tq and high end hp, but as the engine warms up the air that the intake uses beceoms hotter and less dense meaning less power. On my old Honda the short ram intake felt great when the car was cold, but became worse than stock if I was stuck in city driving for a while.
Personally I prefer 68, most forgiving irons I've hit.
Go to Golf dot com.they have a very recent video just on Mizuno's new clubs and who they will benefit.
i don't know what icemans are. i assume you mean a cold air intake? if it's a pod type filter make sure you are getting cold air directed to it. if its just sucking hot air from your engine bay then it won't do any good. at any rate they don't add that much power to your engine that you would notice it going up hill, but it won't cause any problems either
you at the on the spot are not getting a chilly air intake for sound you get it to advance the volumetric performance of the engine. yet there's a huge difference, the chilly air intake from AEM will run down less than close to the floor making it a real chilly air intake also that is going to contain a CARB criminal variety placard(that is basically what you pay for) meaning that is going to pass smog. the quick ram will not be more beneficial proper on any engines because once you position in it, the clear out sits about factor with the engine and once you shut the hood each and each of the nice and cozy air receives trapped at that factor the quick ram will suck all that warm air in or perhaps as that occurs say bye bye for your MP-G's also in maximum Honda's the way they set up that short ram is the clear out rests exceedingly a lot accurate above the exhaust manifold yikes!!!