I have a hot air which is ok. Would a ceramic do a much better job?
Ceramic won't necessarily do a better job. I prefer the oil filled radiator type because the noise of the fan from ceramics annoys me. However, the radiator type take a little while to heat up a room so are better left on all the time at least on low. A heater with a fan will heat a cold room faster. Last winter I heated almost entirely with a radiator heater. My heat bill was less than the previous winter bill when I used the electric forced air, but we had a mild winter. This year it's been colder and I had to use the furnace.
The answer to your question is a rousing It depends. There are too many variables. How much insulation do you have? What is the climate where you live? etc. I will tell you that we have a ceramic heater and it works GREAT! We live in the tropics where it doesn't get cold often and therefore have no heat in our house. The rare times that it does get cold (to us anyway) we fire up the heater and it keeps whatever room we are using it in quite comfortable. It occasionally gets to the 40s (F) here and every winter, we have weather in the low 50s. We just move the heater from room to room as needed and have no problem.
try buying a bigger wheel and see how if there is any difference. you could also buy one of them clear plastic balls and let it run round in that to get exercise
I was disappointed with the ceramic heater I had for heating a room. Open elements with a fan seem to work the best. Most cost effective because all heat goes into the air instead of heating ceramic plates or oil, etc. I read user reviews for this ecoheater and found lots of disappointed people. Good reviews of this item seem to be written by employee's.