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Are second hand pallets better to buy? Or should I buy new pallets?

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A pallet is a wooden frame for loading material onto a conveyance. The palate is the roof of the mouth. You will adapt to the appliance and your speech will improve. This typically takes a couple of weeks. The gap between your front teeth will not widen. Your braces will keep that from happening.
You will talk funny for a little while, but yes it will go away... Like all things it takes time and there is a foregin object in your mouth that was not there before. If you have braces on your gap will close, don't worry your dentist/orthodontist will not let you have a gap between your front teeth forever, the whole braces thing takes time too. Slowly they are moving your roots of your teeth in your mouth with the braces and slowly expanding your upper jaw with the expander so you will have a perfect smile. Just hang tight and think in not too long you will have an award winning smile. Good luck!!

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