Are the chemicals in a fire extinguisher dangerous when inhaled? Someone just set one off on our floor in our very small dorm and it was inhaled and is still on thw floor- should I be worried?
Its great that you're doing research now. Take a motorcycle safety foundation class if you haven't already. Get the proper safety equipment, gloves, boots and helmet to start with. Be aware that most motorcycle accidents come in the first 6 months of riding a motorcycle. And be aware that if you or someone near you, makes a mistake, it can end up serious (and yes, I've been to a funeral for a 18 year old beginning rider).
It appears you may need to learn to ride a streetbike. A sportsbike is not the best bike to learn how to ride on. You should sign up to take a riding class first, and some of those classes have bikes for you to learn on.
It is extremely unlikey that any 3 year old could hold it through the night!! You are expecting way too much from him, the potty training average is around 3 so if he's already totally trained he's doing an amazing job. That control won't come for a while, some kids don't get control like that until they at 6 or 7!! Just give him pull ups, what's the big deal? I have never, in my entire life been able to sleep through the night without getting up to go to the bathroom to this day. I get up at least 2-3 times a night, way more currently because I'm pregnant. You need to lay off this poor boy, he's doing an amazing job!!