Are there right now? like, the heart machine or something?
move to a better built / insulated place.
If portability is the question then I would say solar is the optionThere are portable wind turbines you can get even some pretty tiny ones.
Wear sweaters or coats in the winter and turn the thermostat downWALK or ride a bike as much as possible and leave the car homeDon't buy fast food, generates a ton of waste.
Using things like folded up newspaper to block the air that might come in under doors and around windowsUsing those new light bulbs Also, just making sure things are turned off like lights, tvs, etc when no one is using them and trying to conserve water as much as possible.
The liver is responsible for an amazing number of processes in the bodyTherefore it is very difficult to simply replace the liver with a machineThere are some machines out there that have tried such as: Molecular Adsorbents Recirculation System (MARS), Single pass albumin dialysis (SPAD), and continuous veno-venous haemodiafiltration (CVVHDF)All three of these are extremely expensive to run and are not available in many placesThey work similar to a kidney dialysis machine by filtering toxins out of the bloodUnlike a kidney dialysis machine, however, where patients can live a very long time by going to dialysis three times a week, the liver dialysis machines at the time do not work well enough to sustain life for long periods of timeTherefore, they are currently only used as a bridge for a very short time (days)while someone is waiting for a liver transplant or while someone's own liver is recovering from a short-term problem.