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As a safety in football what Extra equipment should I wear?

I know shoulder paads and that stuff is required I mean should I wear rib pads and gloves and stuff if so plzz tell me the gear I should use


No roman reigns is taller then him
This may be odd to think about, but I had a smoke detector that would go off randomly. It turned out that a small spider made a home in it and would cross in front of the sensor, setting it off. Maybe the heat from the stove is making something move around in your detector.
Fire hydrant water is the same water that is pumped in your pipes for drinking, but this water is not circulated as much. Since the water does not get flush through the pipes as often as other water, it may become stale or accumulate sediment from the pipes. Overall, you should be OK, but probably ended up with some stale water. Take something like Pepto Bismol to calm your stomach and if it gets worse, see a doctor.
If it was a 3 vs 1 match when The Shield have to tag in and out then yes Lesnar would win but if it is a match when all 3 Shield members beat up Lesnar at the same time then no Lesnar would probably lose but not without a fight.
any doubt? Hell yeah he can

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