Hello. I ve recently used a gas mask to go into a asbestos ridden area. However my clothes have been contaminated and so has my mask. How would I go about cleaning them safely? My mask and all clothes are in a garbage bag currently waiting. I am a college student so would prefer a cheap method to clean my clothes (most importantly my mask). Do I need to bring them to someplace special or can I do it safety at home? Am I safe to use the mask again if I remove the dust outside wearing another mask? If I were to enter the area again should I just use contaminated clothes? Help please!
Try JP cycles They should have what you need. But good luck with the $75 budget. You are aware that HD stands for hundred dollars right?
Sure, if you can afford them.
Replace the door latch and check the alignment of the door hinges, depending on usage the hinge bushings wear causing the door to sag or drop low. This also prevents the door from latching properly. Could also try lubricating the latch assemby in the door (should be done on a regular basis with oil change maintanence)
We need ALOT more info.. What pipes are on your bike now? What are the slip-ons you just got off of? Do you have a hi-flow air cleaner on the bike now? If so, was your fuel injection ECM ever remapped?ANY change to the air cleaner along with an exhaust change REQUIRES fuel remappingie, HD Stage 1 Download at minimum, PREFERRABLY the Screamin Eagle Super Tuner. All 07-up HD's run a closed-loop fuel injection system with O2 sensors that can be eliminated on 07-08's by the use of a Power Commander with O2 eliminators, but is NOT recommended09-up CAN NOT have the O2 sensors eliminated. What ever exhaust that goes onto your bike MUST have O2 sensor fittings, unless you install a Power Commander WITH the O2 eliminators, but I STRONGLY advise against them, the sensors are there for a reason, to give the best combo of performance and fuel economy when running in the closed-loop mode at steady cruising speed. Give more detailed info so we can help better.