How can i tell if my wheel bearings are bad? I replaced my Calipers on both sides and my pads. I can't do my rotors myself b/c it's a 97 honda and there pressed on. My rotors are in need of replacing but smooth and i don't believe them to be the cause of my grinding noise. The grinding noise is when i am driving and gets worse at higher speeds and tends to pulsate a bit. When i apply the brakes it doesn't get any worse and feels good under the foot? Could my bearings be gone? Thanks to all you techs out there I appreciate the help!
The only way you can tell if your bearings are bad would be if you have a pulling sensation to one side, right or left, or if you are hearing a continuous dragging sound. The bearings are pressed in and out, as you know, so the only way you would be able to get them out is to pull the whole hub assembly and send them to a machine shop.
The bearing in question are called HUB BEARINGS and yes they do go bad and yes you have to remove the spindle to access the holding snap ring in the back. It can be done at home but it will take time and you will need a bearing removal tool so you can do it on the car. Only place i know to be able to get that tool is of a tool truck Snap-On / Matco / Mac. Good Luck
Yes the noise is the wheel bearings because wheel bearing get louder the faster you go. The pitch will get higher or lower when turning the wheel slightly left or right.. The pulsating you feel is the rotors.
don't get hung up on front end noise. Many times noises the driver hears sounds like it is coming from the front when in reality it is a noise from the rear, . Wheel bearings tend to make a clicklng noise when going bad. have someone drive the vehicle past you, at low speed, and listen carefully. Also you can jack the car up and spin the wheels by hand. Driving is best because it puts a load on the bearings.
wheel bearings can sound like the noise you described, maybe someone tried to install rottors or remove them and in the process damaged the bearing.