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Ask for product photography master, how do you give product photography and lighting? Twenty

I used to take pictures in the office products are taken, the light is good, the effect is very good shot out of the office, and now no place to take pictures, only in the sample room to shoot, I shoot on the edge of the window (the window light only two) but beat out the effect is not good. If you go to the dark place to shoot, can only rely on photography lights, but the place is quite narrow, light can not play too far, too close to the light reflecting and too strong, take out the effect is not good. Consult product photography great God, how should this do?


Second fill (Fill Light)On the left side of the camera, light relief patterns near the heel are used to enhance the embossing of the relief pattern by using the characteristics of the Highlight. While also using long Softboxes created soft effect, less light than. The photometric output is relatively weaker than the main light, increasing the stereoscopic sense of vision.Third Back LightThe third light source uses a beam barrel to concentrate the lowest output of the three light sources on the yellow part of the top of the shoe, while the top of the shoe is hooked from the black background so as to facilitate the later stage. The light beam tube can effectively focus the light source in a specific position, and create a strong spotlight effect. It is a light control tool for shooting small bodies. The backlight is also called silhouette light, outlining the outline of the object being photographed.The latter is a professional image processing software Capture One as a temperature and light dark contrast in Adobe Photoshop fine-tuning, the black background removed, placed in a background from the Internet to find, finally using two different light dark layer background light printing imitation.Of course the above background is false processing site background Limited was an unwise move. No matter how powerful the PS technology is, the photographer or the engineer is as important as the previous work.
Buy photography lights, ah, not expensive, and two add up to less than 200! Buy yourself a background cloth and put it on the table!
What effect is not good? IncomprehensionDifferent products are different.If it's food, paint it like honey and make it shiny.If it's a toy, just set it up with a table lamp. Later re PSIf the light isn't enough, turn on the light or lower the shutter.A table lamp with a warm color is a good light source.Of course, a little luxury can use flash. Flash is a sharp weapon in photography.Also, the best product to buy a solid color cardboardGeneral photographers shoot products that can be done in very small places
Also worth mentioning is that should pay attention to the characteristics of light, light can be divided into direct light and scattered light, sunlight is conducive to the performance of the shooting profile; local features, light scattering performance to the photographer and soft light; clockwise side effect is different, their grasp.
The most common is three point lighting, which uses three or more different sources, including the "light" and "light" and "light" light source to create the main stereo sense, while the main characteristics of original lighting method presented.

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