Jin Bei photography light *2 two different light, how to do, and how to set the camera?? my camera is SLR, Nikon D90 will ask, please master!
This Guapai or flat shot under the condition of 1. flash light than consistent, you need to look at the lights behind the knob are the same, to slowly adjust the 2., another major factor is the distance, see the distance and clothes two lights are the same. 3., there is also the angle of flash is also adjusted; flash case, the camera settings are generally: M, 1/125 seconds, F11, ISO, set to the camera minimum. Carefully shot must be carefully shot to find the most suitable in your environment exposure combination. The aperture can be adjusted as required, and the shutter and ISO need not be adjusted..Before use, install the receiver, turn on the light sensitive switch, then test the lamp after each flash, and try again.Good luck:)
No adjustment to the brightness of the two lamp is not the same, I use photography lights fresh, two lights with a cable can be controlled easily, and the remote control.
Do you have different lighting settings on both sides? It doesn't make any difference to the camera. For example, I usually set the brightness for 1/4, then notice the distance between the lights on the sides and the distance to the clothes