
Back On Track products?

Back On Track products?


There's ceramic fibers woven into the padding in the wraps (or blanket linings, etc.) that reflects the heat produced by the body back into the body (kind of like a mirror bounces light rays back)This reflected heat increases circulation in the area and therefore reduces swelling and inflammation because the circulation flushes out all the bad stuffWe've used the back on track no-bows for a couple of horses with annular ligament issues with quite a bit of successYou can't use poultice or most linaments under them - only sore-no-more, because of the reflected heat - sore no more doesn't blisterYou also shouldn't use them continuously for a long period of time as increased heat for a long period of time can be detrimental to the injuryHope this helps!
Anything from a siding installer to an aircraft sheet metal specialist to a bauxite miner.

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