I am throwing off mind stimulating, scifi/fantasy and horror reads for a bit, and I'm completely indulging in romantic drivel.What would you recommend? I have read Teresa Mediros (sp?), Julia Quinn, Amanda Quick and her other incarnations, Susan Elizabeth Philips, and a few others. I'm almost done with the SEP books so I'm wondering where I should go from here.Thanks for the help!Oh, and I don't want young adult recommendations. I am well aware of Twilight so there is no need to mention it.
You need to consult a structural engineer to see what your ground and support.
If you don't want to play the little melee-dance by dodging around them, then your options are limited to: Things that go boom. Grenades! These are great for defeating enemies using Riot Shields.
three choices try them in this order another set of new batteries - the new set might be weak dirty electronic components - gently blow out detector with air and see if that helps its tired of working and has finally malfunctioned - the constant chirp is its way of notifying you of its eminent death - time to purchase a new one somewhere i read that they should be replaced every five years because of age related failures for safety