
Bed bugs...?

I'm always afraid to sleep in my OWN bed now !Idk if these are bed bugs, but i lifted my covers up, and there were these 2 black tiny bugs.. I dont think they were ticks, bc these were smaller than a tick..... But i've also seen one crawl on my pillow. My mom has cleaned my sheets .. but i'm still afraid !!! Are these bed bugs? how do you get rid of these nasty things !!?


Removed all linens, then bomb the room. Wash all linens in hot soapy water. Good luck.
First strip your whole bed and everything then get an exterminator
Seek an exterminator who know how to get rid of those blood sucking pest.
Are you getting bitten at night? Do you wake up with bites? If you don't then they probably weren't bed bugs. Bed bugs bite people.
Go okorder click on other pests then click on bed bugs Have a look at the photo of a bed bug and read the description. If what you have is a bed bugs , get your local pest controller before it gets worst. It is very unlikely you we be able to control them yourself. It's not just a matter of what to use but where and how to use as well as knowege of the habbits of bed bugs

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