i am 15 and i still wet the bed. i use diapers, and i have a plastic covering over my bed. i cant go to sleepovers because i wet myself. any solutions???
in 2 to 4 years if will go away 99% stop weting the bad at 8 or 9 then is %1 that stop at 17 to 20
The best thing to do is to stop drinking an hour before bed and to use the toilet before you go to sleep.
Stop drinking liquids after 6:00pm and use the toliet before bed.
Talk to a doctor. I have a daughter that does the same (although she's only 8) but our pediatrician said it's from growth hormones in fast food restaurants, and a lot of kids these days have this problem. It has something to do with an underdeveloped bladder. Go get it checked, because at 15 you shouldn't be having this problem anymore.
My mom had the same problem when she was a kid its because your bladders small most likely. Basically take a pee before going to bed and you have to train yourself to wake up. Thats what my mom does.