I'm looking for advice on buying a high chair. I have a 4 month old little boy who is just starting on different food's. He is able to hold his head well when hes sitting up, but still needs support for now. I want to find something that he will be able to grow into, and will not need to be replaced any time soon. I would also like to spend as little as possible.. Any advice would be helpful. Which kind do you use or like?
the fisher Price space saver highchair was the best bet for our home.. I don't have a large kitchen so this worked out great for our family of 4 (mommy, daddy, and 2 infants) They can deff. grow into this.. I have recommended it to many people and actually talked a random man at a local store into buying it for his grandchild
I love they high chairs that sit on your regular kitchen chairs. That way they're sitting at the table with you. Currently we're using her bumbo as a highchair as the regular highchair we have (that attaches to the kitchen chair) is at the inlaws. But, the bumbo works great too!
I have a Fisher Price Ocean Wonders highchair and I absolutely love it however it was around $130. I also have 2 of the space saver chairs like others are posting however I didn't not care for them. They don't work with the kitchen chairs at my house or my parents. They are too wide for the chair and so they don't fit on it right which causes it to tip right over. If they work with your chairs they can be good, but for me they were a waste. Cheaper to get a highchair then a new dining room set.