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Best lightweight camping chair options?

Looking for something really light weight with a backrest and legs that can support itself. I've seen the GCI PICO Chair (10 lbs.) and Quick-E-Seat (4.5 lbs.) which are both nice, but I'd like to get the weight down a bit more if I can.


However, back when I got mine I think it probably cost $8. It's not very comfortable but its good enough to cook and eat your dinner without getting your butt wet on the ground.
$99.us for a camp chair is outrageous when you can get perfectly fine and well made folding aluminum and or steel chairs at discount stores for under $20.us You budget your choice and your rear and what you want for comfort.
The answer is the old aluminum chairs with the plastic webbing. There is a company making them, calling them retro, and charging $29.95. Better to find them in a garage sale. The ones with the continuous tube legs won't sink in on soft ground, any chair with the post style legs tend to sit unevenly unless on very firm and level ground. They have arms and you can lean back and put your feet up on a rock/log. Problem is they weigh just over 3 lbs. I only carry them on shorter trips (less than 20 miles) or when I expect everything to be wet. On the longer trips I carry a stadium type chair made by Hexalite, cost around $35. It's a big improvement over the inexpensive ones you commonly find. With it I can sit on a rock as small as the seat cushion itself and when properly adjusted it will give me firm back support, much better than any I've tried before.

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