we have maybe a hundred an would like to sell the to be used again
I don't know for sure. I have brown hair/eyes and fair skin. I use the Al-may eye makeup for brown eyes and it has beige, brown and purple with brown liner and brown mascara. They make one for all color eyes and all you have to do is buy one package and all of that is included for around $10.00. If you want to know for sure and have a make up application and lesson done. Go to a day spa that has an expert. It can be about $50.00 but it is well worth the money for the lesson.
Eyes- Black mascara, plum or gold or neutrel eyeshadow, no eyeliner Lips- mild purple or peach gloss Cheeks-no longer something if certainly rosy epidermis- no longer something if no blemishes, in all probability mild beginning place, concealer in case you have below eye circles
I just asked the same question, I'm the oppoosite of you-dark skin, short dark brown hair, and dark brown eyes, my answer to you is the same as the first persons. my color pallete is cream and brown, with dark red lips. so you would be a pink lip green eye, type of person.
I am the same colouring but i prefer brown mascara because it is less of a contrast to my hair and looks more natural. I also like pink eyeshadow with a hint of gold in it and a light pink lip gloss. It looks very natural.
Eye Shadow: You'll look best in lilac, beige, camel or peach shades of eye shadow. Choose one shade only to use at a time and apply it all over eyes, from lash-line to brows. Mascara: Apply one coat of clear or black mascara. Lip Color: Stick to clear lip balm for day, or if you want a hint of color use a sheer ultra-pale baby pink gloss. check out the site, its really good.