Rate fix my blackwing deck :) any input is appreciated thanksMonsters: 233x Blackwing - Shura the Blue Flame3x Blackwing - Bora the Spear3x Blackwing - Blizzard the North3x Blackwing - Sirroco the Dawn3x Blackwing - Vayu the Emblem of Honor2x Effect Veiler2x Genex Ally Crusher1x Blackwing - Gale the Whirlwind1x Dark Armed Dragon1x Gorz, The Emmisary of Darkness1x Blackwing - Kalut the Moon ShadowMagic: 72x Mystical Space Tyhpoon1x Allure of Darkness1x Black Whirlwind1x Book of Moon1x Dark hole1x Monstor RebornTrap: 102x Dimensional Prison2x Magic Cylinder2x Icarus Attack1x Delta Crow- Anti Reverse1x Bottomless Trap hole1x Seven tools of the bandit1x Solemn JudgmentExtra: 153x Blackwing - Armed Wing3x Blackwing - Armor Master1x Magical Android1x Ally of Justice Catastor1x Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier1x Black Rose Dragon1x Blackwing - Silverwing the Ascendant1x Stardust Dragon1x Colossal Fighter1x Dark End Dragon1x Thought Ruler Archfiend
looks great !! its a shame Kalut got down to 1 -_- and no mirror force ? :O
Well, if this is a serious deck, post it on a serious website, such as Pojo. Asking on here is like asking for Computer help on a forum for elderly people. but, I guess I'll give suggestions. I'm going to assume you don't own pot of duality or Solemn Warning. -1 Vayu -1 Veiler -1 Shura +2 Spirit Reaper +1 Giant Trunade 3 Vayu is bleh, and Shura is kinda meh now without the Kalut backup. Spirit Reaper is a very viable option, giving you the field control Blackwings lost. How could you forget giant trunade?! Mained veilers are nice and all, but in blackwings you need as much consistency as you can, you need hand control. Veiler can end up dead more then not. This is practically all I can see, barring the solemn Warnings and Pot of Dualitys. Good luck.