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Blue Heron, Crane, or Egret?

where do they live, and what do they look like


Blue Herons are (surprise) bluish gray, long legged long necked birds found in fresh water marshes and lakes, ponds. They are found though most of the US. There are several kinds of egrets, but I assume you are thinking of the great egret which is similar in size and shape to Blue Heron but is all white. They are found more around the coast from the Southern mid Atlanatic to Texas. They tend to be more in salt water locations or in rivers near the coast. There are several kinds of cranes, 2 inhabit the lower 48. One is a whooping crane and incredibly rare , nearly extinct species that breeds in the Arkansas/Texas area. Most likely any crane you would see is as sandhill crane tht inhabits various habitats in the interior of the country. It is smaller than the heron or egret, is grayish in color and has a red crest on its head.
these guys described them pretty well. I get to see these types of birds every day here in south florida. We do have a lot of cattle egrets they follow behind you when you mow your yard picking up bugs.
ive seen blue herons here in maine they are garyish with long legs and beeks they stand very still so they can catch there food with long beeks

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