MP: Do you do any origami?MP: How bored are you at the moment?MP: What do you think of this She Wolf song by Shakira?I can't really form an opinion on it.
Flying to another world with a paper crane? Easiest option: LSD. Best option: Flash animation.
I'd suggest Fairy Dust, but I know that can be hard to find and Glitter works just as well - so just sprinkle it with Glitter :-) MP: Not really, when I'm bored I'll maybe make a crane but other than that, no. MP: Pretty bored, I have homework but I can't really be bothered with it. So I probably won't bother. MP: All I can say is I don't like it very much. It's pretty strange. Although I have just learned that I've mistaken Shakira for somebody else for as long as I've known about her - that's quite embarrassing!
How can I make a paper crane come to life and fly me away to another world? Wish on a paper mache star? MP: Do you do any origami? Randomly yes I do. MP: How bored are you at the moment? Mmmm, I'm a work so yes. MP: What do you think of this She Wolf song by Shakira? I first heard it while viewing the video. I think I probably looked like a deer caught in the headlights. Conundrum.
MP: Used to. MP: Very. MP: I'd bang her...she's really hot except for the part at the end. I'm ashamed to think this. I think it's her dancing.
With one of your magical teardrop? ;) MP: Hm, I used to make tons of paper cranes when I was five. And nowadays, I make paper stars. But usually, I make them as birthday presents so I only do it once in a while. :) MP: Not very. I have y!a, my AP homework, music, and my emails to read. :) MP: I only saw the first thirty seconds of it about two weeks ago, and I just exit the page afterwards because it wasn't all that intriguing to me.