How do I get blush (as in makeup) out of my carpet. My cat was crawling on my desk and now I have some in my carpet. My dad is going to kill me if he sees this. can anyone suggest anything?
Go to the cleaning closet and get some carpet spot remover. Your mother must have something like resolve or spot shot. Just spray, leave for a few minutes and rinse with a clean damp cloth using a blotting type motion, turning the cloth over to a clean spot so you don't grind the blush into the carpet. Rinse the cloth and repeat if needed.
you might just try soap and water...even a little liquid detergent...not too soaps up pretty quickly...i use an old wash cloth with a little water and then add the soap to it....keep rubbing..then add more water if its too soapy...hopefully it will come out....if it comes out to your liking then keep blotting the area with paper towels to absorb the moisture.......good luck what ever method you find...........