My model rocket's (currently being built) body tube has a slight issue.First, this is how im making it.Taking a plastic tube, I wrap a piece of construction paper around it, and glue it. (not to the tube, but to itself so I can slide out the tube, and have a cylindrical paper mold.) Next, I take a special type of paper with water-activated adhesive on one side, and wrap it around the construction paper.However, now that everythings dry, I find that upon gluing the construction paper, I also glued it to the tube. Now the plastic tube is stuck within.How can I get it out without tearing my outer shell?Im guessing with heat/cold, but Im not sure.
To save what you have so far, slit the tube you glued up and peel it off,clean the plastic tube. Then re-glue your paper tube with white glue using wax paper over the plastic tube. Then add another layer or two of the water activated paper. You can cut the paper into 3 inch wide strips then spiral it around the tube. It will be much stronger. Make your tube longer then you need because the ends will be rough and you will want to cut them off. Let it dry for a few days so it will stiff-in up. If it is not strong enough add more layers.
I appreciate your effort - it's cool that your're making your material from scratch. I don't know if your tube can be salvaged, but next time, wrap the plastic cylinder with one wrap of waxed paper (like Cut-Rite, available in most grocery stores) before wrapping your adhesive paper around. Then it should slip off the plastic mold and you can pull the waxed paper out of the center of the newly-formed paper tube.