I just install Windows 7 RTM on my HP machine and the USB wi-fi adapter (an Airlink, guess the driver is not compatible) doesn't work so i can't connect to my Linksys Router (WRT55G version 2) to get on the internetI can only think of 2 ways: buy a new USB wi-fi adapter or bridge 2 routers togetherI have an old Airlink 101 802.11 G router lying around, is it possible that i can 'bridge' from the Linksys Router to the Airlink Router and have the Airlink connect to my HP machine using a Cat5 cable?If it's possible, please show me how! it sounds like a fun project :)Any input will be appreciated!
well never in a tree house or a libraryBut, on a roof , in a the bath room on a jet- mile high club!,on a base ball flied every base! O in bed, on the front porch and on a the top of a van, every room in the house!
beach (between the dunes + in the water) in a lifeguard tower in the middle of a college campus, literally on a soccer field car truck hotel room his + my parents house his place my place park pool movies observatory, pitch black! library so many bathrooms a few classrooms dorm rooms study rooms girls shower room behind the theater screen (in college auditorium) too many to rememberALL with ONE guyehemhusband now! )
I think what you are trying to say is you want to use the second router as a wireless adapter As far as I can tell, none of the Airlink models support that optionThey are Wireless network masters onlyThey do not have a client optionSorry, but you will have to buy a new adapter that has the drivers you need.
gotta think.I have been at this for a few years so I might have tad more history than you Car is a gimme Under a bridge Her Porch Her Basement Her livingroom Bus during a trip Airplane (this is back when flights were not always full) Library Laundry Mat On an Army Parade fieldPentagon Hospital Airport Train (Amtrak) At a club Scuba Diving Disney (It was a Magic Kingdom after all LOL) Camping Jacuzzi Steam Room Teachers Lounge (I was a student) All women's dorm There are few more, such as various countries and the at least 30 states.but not all the same woman Who can beat the Pentagon?? (pre 9-11 of course)