[Class 2 construction division -> Water conservancy and hydropower] Building materials according to their functional use can be divided into (). A. Structural material B. Waterproof material C. Gelling material Natural building materials Decorative materials
The correct answer is: A, B, C, E options answer analysis: building materials according to their functional use classification structural materials
waterproof material Such as waterproof mortar, waterproof concrete, copper water seal, expansion cement waterproof concrete cementitious materials Such as gypsum, lime, water glass, cement, asphalt and so on decorative materials Such as natural stone, building ceramic products, decorative glass products, decorative mortar, decorative cement, plastic products protective material Such as steel cladding, wharf and so on insulation materials Such as asbestos board, slag cotton, foam concrete, foam glass, fiberboard and so on Building materials are sorted by their source Natural building materials Such as commonly used soil materials, gravel material, wood and so on artificial materials Such as lime, cement, metal materials, geosynthetics, polymer and the like Therefore, this question should be selected A, B, C, E ,
Such as concrete, steel, wood and so on