Would a K?rcher pressure washer clean a rug as successfully as it cleans a flagstone?
Absolutley! I do it all the time and have no problems. I use a mild detergent for this and it works great.
Maybe, if it's a cheap rug that can take the abuse of the water pressure you take it outside so that the gallons gallons of water you end up using don't end up in the house, but it's kind of overkill I honestly wouldn't do it if you care about the rug's lifespan.
Its not a good idea due to the fact if you wet the rug to much it will take forever to dry but besides that if the rug is not hung properly to dry it will start to smell like mildew.
yes. it works well. i would not do it on a very expensive rug. i would have it cleaned. if you do not get all the soap out, it can attract dirt. also, it is somewhat of a pain if the rug is large....rinsing and what not.