I‘ve been told this pontiac has a sealed transmission
not sealed completely/no dipstick/its filled from the side of trans/have place like jiffy lube give a price for trans service
I have a Easton Synergy, RBK and just bought a new TPS I would rate the last two over the synergy.
if you want an easton get a synergy se6. that shouldbe good for you
well not hard to see just jack it up slide under and look might not even have to jack it up to see transmission oil pan. best to have it done at a shop is kind of messy job sometimes
All you have to di is jack up the car, and loosen all but a few of the back transmission pan bolts, Take out all but a few at the back, and take them out real quick while holding pressure on the pan so nothing drips everywhere. Then tip it into the container your cathing it in. Your gonna get some on you probably. Change the filter, and put a new gasket on the pan after cleaning all the residue from the old one. Put the pan back on and snug up the bolts. Get a big long funnel, and put it in the fill hole right below the crossover pipe on the exhaust manifolds. I'm thingking for dropping the trans pan and chainging that fluid its like 7 quarts. So put 5 or 6 in it. Then there is a spot on the back of the transmission where you can see the level. You have to be under the car. Just keep adding until its where it needs to be. It would be easier to take it somewhere, but its alot cheaper to do it yourself.