the clothes that i use every day for work the laundry the shoes dress pant shirt
Unless you asked the landlord if the building was a smoke free building and he lied, there is nothing you can do. You should have looked for a smoke free apt building. Nor does the landlord have to move you just because you dont like it. So you have two options. 1) give notice to move, pay any move out fees if in a current lease and move. 2). Hang on for the duration of your lease then move. Even if he moved you to another apt, doesnt mean the next tenent below or above you is not going to smoke. If its NOT a no smoking building, the landlord doesnt even have the right to ask. So you may end up in the same position and trust me, the landlord is not going to move you to another apt again. Sorry. Next time look and get a no smoking building.
My building went NO SMOKING after a year's warning. I still smell smoke late at night and I know it doesn't go through walls. I comes from under the 1 space below each door especially when the smoker lives a few feet across the hall. We have had several fires and one lady lit up while she was on oxygen. I'm surprised at how many negative comments have been made here. What a shame.
Smoke detectors work by detecting particulates over a certain size. I doubt the particulates are getting through the walls. What they are smelling is just the odor. Now, there are a lot of people that don't like this smell, some that it truly bothers (like former smokers), and some that just think everyone should do what they say. What do you think about buying them a portable air purifier that would help eliminate the odor?
run them a couple of times in the dryer on fluff with no heat
From the walls, FROM THE WALLS! IT'S COMING FROM THE WALLS!!! [/b-movie horror] I don't think that there is one sensitive enough to pick it up. Smoke will permeate through walls eventually and at a minimal rate (think a dripping faucet eventually eating through the concrete underneath it). However it would take a hypochondriac of the highest order to detect it and a gadfly of the highest order to actually try and make an issue of it. Do the apartments share a ventilation system or trunking for electrical cabling? These would seem a far less insane source of the smell of smoke.