and what is the best yarn to crochet with?
For pork ribs, rub them with generously with apple cider vinegar, sprinkle with commercially prepared pork rug (available at most supermarkets) and place on a rack in a large broilling pan and add about 2 cups of water to panCover with aluminum foil and bake at 300 degrees until you can easily tear the bones from the ribsPut ribs on grill and slather with your favorite BBQ sauce and watch carefully as the sugar in the sauce tends to burn quicklyTurn often and keep mopping on the sauceIf you don't have a grill, remove from oven and pour the grease and water from the panMop on the sauce and return to oven uncoveredOnce again watch carefully and keep the ribs wet with sauce The heat will reduce the moisture content of the sauce and you will visuall see the ribs starting to look dryMop with sauce two or three times and serve.
These are so easy and wonderfulYou can’t believe it! BBQ Ribs Country Style Ribs Onion Bottled BBQ Sauce (any kind you like) Sear ribs on all sides to seal in juicesPlace in crock potCover with sliced onions and BBQ sauceCook on low 8-10 hoursYummy!!! Serve with baked beans, cornbread…and this salad is great: Caesar Coleslaw 1 pkg pre-made coleslaw 1/4-1/2 cup shredded parmesean cheese 1/2 pkg caesar croutons 1 bottle creamy caesar dressing Toss first three ingredients togetherAdd enough dressing to coatIt's even good the next day!
I slow cook mine in 250 degree oven for 6-8- hours for (3-41/2 lbpkgfrom supermarket) a big slab with dry rub spices (like an adoboe) un covered with a little water on bottom of panKeep checking water so they dont get dry and baste once in awhileThe last half hour you can put on your favorite BBQ sauce if you like sauce, or not put any onThey are like butter.
It depends on the time you have to cook them Ribs should be started early - if you are less than a few hours away from dinner, you will need to cook them at a higher heat The best way to cook ribs is to first coat them with a good rubIf you don't have one, mix about 2/3 cup brown sugar with 1/8 cup (not teaspoons or tablespoons) salt, and some of your favorite seasonings if you like them sweetOr just rub well with salt and pepper To cook them quickly, place them in a baking panIf you have some apple juice, feel free to pour this in the bottom of the pan, but beer or drpepper are great substitutionsI use about a cupThen cover with aluminum foil, and place in a 350-400 degree ovenCook until they reach a temperature of at least 160, but better around 180 or higherIt should take only about 1-1/2 hours Of course, they are even better if you can rub then smoke them for several hours - even all day BBQ sauce is good, but don't put it on until the last 15 minutes of cooking, or it can burn.