Can I downshift on a motorcycle right before braking or does it have to be at the same time?
yes aslong as it doesnt get too cold in the cool end, you likelt need a high wattage one and it on a thermostat. edit: can someone please inform me why ceramics are crap (just saying somethings crap without giiving a reason seems poor answering to me) i am always eager to learn and currently am moving all of my high wattage bulb vivs over to ceramic's (due to the Ban The Bulb move in the uk mean all high wattage bulbs (over 100W in 2010 and anything over 50W by 2015) are soon to be removed from UK shelves. but if there is a problem with them (other than the light basking issue) i would like to know but i do find you answer pretty offensive But if all of my advice kill animals then fine. iassume you varanid are completely pefect in everyway .
No. Re-read the two answers above me. :-) Stay away from whatever bulbs the pet store tries to sell you as well. Go to you local hardware store and pick up floodlights/spotlights.
depends on your rate of deceleration. if you're already decelerating slowly by coasting, it may not be necessary to apply the brake to reduce wear on the clutch and keep a smooth rate of deceleration.
From my experience in riding, the downshift assists in the whole braking action so I would say, yes downshift and allow the transmission and brakes to slow you down and or stop your bike. However there is a caveat to this. If your bike is going to fast for a specific gear then you need to slow down some and then downshift. e.g. if you are doing e.g. 40 mph then you don't want to drop it into 2nd gear as it could cause the bike to skid as the rear wheel gets somewhat locked up by the transmission. So you have to know the speed ranges at which your bike will comfortably handle the downshift.