I just got home from school. I put some chicken in lime juice, olive oil, italian herbs, and garlic salt. But i was reading online that if you leave the chicken in the lime too long the acid will mess up the texture of the meat.I plan on taking a nap and cooking it when i get up. So is 8 hours or so too long? Or will it be fine?
well it depends on how many you eat at a time.for ex.:if you eat 5 or 4 at one time it does cause some harm but if you only eat 1 or 1/2 of one at a time it doesnt do anything..but if you eat 1 or 1/2 every single day it is just the same as eating 4,5,or 6 at a time.. I hoped I helped :)
As far as I know citric acid (and other acids) in citrous fruits including lime does no harm. In face it is converted to alkaline substances in stomach. Also, lime is rich in vitamin C, which is good for your immune system.
If you do this frequently it could give you problems over time. But if you are healthy and have good digestion you can probably handle it every now and then. You should follow this with a good sized glass of water. Maybe a little less crazy of an alternative is to squeeze some lime or lemon into your orange juice. The bigger problem, and more immediate...for things like this...is acid wear on the enamel of your teeth. When you eat anything acidic (including sour) you should brush your teeth.
In the 18th century, sailors were known as limeys because they found that if they ate a lime each day, it prevented them from getting scurvy which was an illness that lead to death from lack of vitamin C during the long months they were at sea. So I don't think a lime will hurt you.
its not good for you lets put it that way... but its not exactly going to kill you either.. Your stomach is basically made of acids, its what breaks down the food, but the acid can be bad for your teeth and throat