I have ran out of old bedding and decided to use wood bedding. The only bedding they had were softwood bedding and aspen bedding. Softwood bedding is harmful to hamsters so i bought aspen but i am still not sure if it is safe. I asked my friend and he said it was ok but i am not sure.
Aspen is GREAT!! It's a wonderful bedding, but if you want to you can give your ham some paper towels so he can have a soft nest.
I use it for my rat :) I love it,it absorbs Oder well,and it smells nice :)
Aspen is the best bedding to use for small animals. I use Aspen bedding for all four of my small animals. Aspen isn't harmful to them. Again I'll say it, it's the best bedding to use! Don't use pine or cedar bedding. It is bad on the hamster. Best of luck!