Home > categories > Machinery & Equipment > Excavators > CAN I USE CLAY IN A LEOPARD GECKOS ENCLOSURE?


I have leopard geckos and I usually use excavator clay substrate to make tunnels and caves. They really enjoy it.. I've never encountered a problem with it at all, only that it is pretty pricey. What can I use that will be like the excavator? Can I use clay from the ground (my whole yard is practically clay)? If so would how would it dry? Or, can I order clay online and use that? I plan on making the landscape in the tank (20 gallon long). (Im only asking if I can use clay!) I use excavator and sand now. I'm not looking to buy excavator either :)I appreciate any help! :)


If it's a lower price, I suspect you can get the kind of clay used to make pottery. I'd hesitate to use clay from your yard. If you do, sterilize it well, and then make sure it has approximately the structural properties of the excavator clay. Though I suspect clay is *much* safer for leos than sand.
I would be worried about the clay from your yard degrading and collapsing. Although yes the excavator clay is expensive maybe there is a different form of clay available for cheaper. I never used clay from outside for fear of it collapsing.
i would just use the clay you have been using since nothing bad has happened

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