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can my dog be on my bed while she has worms?

can she be on my bed ?


Get her to the vet now don't weight if you do she will not make it. I know that sound harsh but it is true worms are not a prity sight and if she is sleeping on your bed you most likely already have the worms as well
She CAN....but I don't think you would really want her to be...Not until she has been dewormed. Just to be safe! It is kind of gross if you think about it...:P' Oh, and if it's tape worms she has, then they can, and WILL come out of her bottom. Usually in segments...They look like little gross grains of rice...And worms can live outside of the animal passed through their feces....I personally wouldn't let my dog on furniture until he was worm free!
Of course she can be on your bed (your dog, your home, your rules), but she shouldn't for your own health and safety. Why? Because all dogs lick their butts and crotch area. And the butt can generally be full of germs, bacteria and even worm eggs (if your dog has worms right now). So when your dog licks her butt and then licks her body and your sheets or your hand and you roll around on your sheets in your bed, you might be drooling, have your mouth open etc. I would deworm my dog and then let her on the bed after she comes back negative for parasites - why risk getting worms yourself?
I've had mine on my couch before.....they don't come out or nething. They do come out in feces. do u know what kind of worms they are? tape? ring? etc.? I don't think you have anything to worry about on ur bed. The worms cannot survive outside the dog...so they for the most part try to stay in lol. i've had both my dogs and cats have worms and haven't ever seen any other than in there poo! lol Hope this helps....i can only go on experience! good luck! :-)
No thats disgusting they crawl out of their butt just sayin....

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