The classic chemical is usually KNO3, but can I use Sodium Chlorate in a rocket from a liquid weed killer instead? For those that don't understand, I just want to make a simple solution, dump the cloth and let it soak in the solution, dry it, fold it, and then wrap it in aluminum foil.
Make and model and number of cylinders is needed.
Water? Bad unless you can bake the tank to dry it out completelyVinegar? It is acidicGreat for removing rust, but needs to be neutralized and cleaned thouroughly afterward as the surface will begin to rust within minutes of cleaning Why not toss a gallon of gas in there and just agitate itx2F;dump it out?
I would guess that it could, BUT sodium chlorate is a more powerful oxidizer than potassium nitrateIt may react too quickly to make an effective rocketTest burn some of the treated cloth before loading into a rocketThe rocket can explode if the propellant is too energetic, so be sure to wear goggles and launch from a distanceUse a blast shield if you use any hard materials (plastic, metal, glass) in your rocketAs a general rule, smaller pyrotechnic rockets require more energetic propellants than larger ones (and vice versa), so start small and work your way upAnother thing - double check that your liquid weedkiller is actually sodium chlorateMost use some organic compound instead, and the ones used often have nasty health effects.