Draw the two chair conformations of cis-1-ethyl-4-chlorocyclohexaneIf you can just explain what it looks like, that would be totally fine
in many situations, definite. genuinely if all else fails think of approximately sterics (how issues bodily greater healthful). If one conformation looks so plenty greater cramped than the different, that's probable much less good. cumbersome substituents will choose greater area (that's many times the equatorial positions).
Draw out a chair and number the carbons 1 to 6. Put in the axial and equatorial branches. Place the ethyl group at the equatorial position on C1. Now, since the ethyl and chloro substituents are cis, the chlorine at C4 must be in the axial position. That is, when the ethyl group is equatorial, the chlorine is axial . Draw a flip chair of the first chair. Everything that was equatorial now becomes axial, and everything that was axial now is equatorial. So, the ethyl group at C1 is axial and the chlorine at C4 is equatorial. Those are the two chair conformations of cis-1-ethyl-4-chlorocyclohexane.